Everyone Welcome!

The Big White Mountain Community Association is a place for everyone. We are a diverse community that includes visitors, residents, business owners, investors and workers. If the mountain holds a special place in your heart, become a member, get connected, enjoy the benefits, and have a positive impact.

Join Our Board of Directors

Join community leaders who bring vision, dedication and energy to making a difference in our community today and into the future.

We have an open Board seat for someone who is interested in volunteering. The time commitment varies but on average you can expect to volunteer approximately 10 hours a month depending on the committees and initiatives you choose to be involved with. The board meets monthly, typically on the 3rd monday of each month at 6pm. Different programs and events are sponsored/overseen by individual board members based on interest.

This is a great opportunity for someone who wants to get actively involved to create positive impact in our community. The key word here is “active”. Directors actively put time and energy into the association. This is not an advisory position.

  • Upcoming Events

    Come out, meet new people, and have fun doing it. We strive to provide healthy activities and social events that connect and enhance our community.

  • Member Benefits

    Whether it be meeting new people, taking advantage of free activities and resources or the opportunity to make a real impact in the community, membership benefits have something for everyone.

  • Current Programs

    We are dedicated to delivering programs and services that enhance our community. Check out the exciting projects the association has currently underway.

  • Total Restoration

  • Big White Mountain Chamber of Commerce

  • Big White Community School

  • Underground Pizza

  • Regional District of Kootenay Boundary

  • School District 51

  • Mountain Medical

  • Big White Ski Resort Ltd.

  • The Bullwheel

  • 4th Ace Restaurant


A huge thank you to our supporters and community partners!