Big White Mountain Community Block Party and Movie Night
The Community Block Party is an annual event that holds a special place in our community.
Everyone is welcome!
There is music, food and drinks. This year the evert is in September which means an earlier sunset allowing us to include an outdoor movie just after dusk - we anticipate the movie starting about 7:30pm. Please dress appropriately, bring a lawn chair and any drinks or snacks you want during the movie.
A HUGE thank you to Total Restoration who has generously provided the food and drinks for this event year after year!
This event is open to everyone who wants to attend! Full time and seasonal residents, visitors, staff….anyone and everyone.
The event will be held in the field at the Big White Mountain Community School. The entrance to the school is at the south east corner of the Happy Valley Parking Lot.
There is limited parking at the school but you can park in Happy Valley and walk down the entrance.
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